





  • Marketing

  1. Sell
  2. Buy
  3. Prodaction
  4. Retail
  5. Discharge
  6. Discount
  7. Delivered
  8. Purchase
  9. Strategies
  10. Store
  11. Costum
  12. Promotion
  13. Expend
  14. Pay
  15. Buy
  16. Prices
  17. Send
  18. Sales
  19. Amounted
  20. Manage
  21. Distribusi
  22. Belief
  23. Supply
  24. Import
  25. Eksport



  1. Seller
  2. Buyer
  3. Prodact
  4. Retailer
  5. Cash
  6. Discounter
  7. Delivery
  8. Purchaser
  9. Strategy
  10. Werehouse
  11. Costumer
  12. Promo
  13. Expenditure
  14. Payer
  15. Buyer
  16. Set prices
  17. Sender
  18. Salesman
  19. Amount
  20. Management
  21. Distributor
  22. Believe
  23. Supplier
  24. Importir
  25. Eksportir




  • Banking




  1. Corect
  2. Debit
  3. Kredit
  4. Direct
  5. Journal
  6. Save
  7.  Borrow
  8.  Account
  9. Bank
  10. Deposit
  11. Document
  12. Pay
  13. Liquid
  14.  Invest
  15.  Lease
  16.  computerisasi
  17.  Service bank
  18. Transfering
  19.  Interest Bank
  20.  Owe
  21.  Posted
  22. Tell
  23.  Centralize
  24. Corect
  25. Report




  1. Corection
  2. Debitur
  3. Kreditur
  4. Director
  5. Journalist
  6. Savings
  7. Loan
  8. Accounting
  9. Bankir
  10. Depositor
  11. Documentor
  12. Payment
  13. Liquidity
  14. Investor
  15. Leasing
  16. Computer
  17. Service
  18. Transfer
  19. Interest
  20. Debt
  21. Post
  22. Teller
  23. Center
  24. Corection
  25. Report statement

  • Computer



  1. Laptop
  2. Copyer
  3. User
  4. Review
  5. Hang
  6. Device detectif
  7. Send
  8. Open
  9. Properties
  10. Desktop
  11. Add
  12. Remove
  13. Close
  14. Restore
  15. Tools
  16. Rename
  17. Cut
  18. Delete
  19. Enter
  20. Refesh
  21. Log off
  22. Restar
  23. Stand by
  24. Download
  25. Manage



  1. Mouse
  2. CPU
  3. Monitor
  4. Keyboard
  5. Mouse
  6. Printer
  7. Letter
  8. Sender
  9. Speed
  10. Virus
  11. Flashdisk
  12. Progam
  13. Hardware
  14. Cd room
  15. Disket
  16. Software
  17. Brainware
  18. Speaker
  19. Notebook
  20. Modem
  21. Virus
  22. Anti virus
  23. Monitor
  24. Game user
  25. Net book
  • Advertising
  1. 1.      To write copy
  2. Product
  3. Drum up
  4. Plug
  5. Promotion
  6. Implemation
  7. Distribute
  8. Prodaction
  9. Gloss over
  10. Marketing
  11. Count
  12. Mission
  13. Vission
  14. Service
  15. Designering
  16. Branding
  17. Skill
  18. Writerst
  19. Research
  20. Evalution
  21. Multimedia experts
  22. Organize
  23. Logo job
  24. Editing
  25. Target


  1. 1.      Product Placement
  2. Placement
  3. Circulation
  4. Jingle
  5. Slogan
  6. Motto
  7. Roadside Signs
  8. Product
  9. Gloss
  10. Radio or TV spot
  11. Account
  12. Announce
  13. Want ad
  14. Commercial
  15. House brand
  16. Edvertorial
  17. Fictomercial
  18. Point of sale
  19. Market research
  20. market leader
  21. Pop-up
  22. Advertisement
  23. Poster
  24. Television
  25. target audience